Week 3

What About Me Story

Week 3 words

week 3 communication book insert

Dear Parents of A2 Students,

I am pleased to inform you that the A2 students performed fairly well on their first official test, which covered spelling, and vocabulary words from Week 2, with a class average of 92. While I’m happy with their progress, I will continue to observe the class in terms of seating arrangements and address any remaining classroom management concerns, particularly with students speaking Mandarin in class which deters them from learning.

Next week will be a short week, as Friday, February 28th, is a national holiday. Despite this, our lessons will remain progressive. It is important that students stay focused and actively participate in class to absorb all the necessary information for Week 3’s unit test and story comprehension. In the RWN, students will learn about sequencing by reading short passages to identify the sequence of events. Additionally, in the grammar section of the RWN, we will be focusing on the conventions of sentences, specifically understanding the subject and predicate, as covered in the story "What About Me."

Please note that our Unit Test will be on Thursday, February 27th. This test will include all the words from Week 3 in the format of spelling, definitions, picture recognition, usage, and story writing, along with the RWN components we’ve studied, and comprehension questions on the main events and character motivations in "What About Me”, which the students will learn throughout the week.

Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to the students’ continued progress as we move through our curriculum.


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