Week 2 All About Me?

 Week 2 PPT

Dear Parents,

I am delighted to share that our first week of A2 classes was fast-paced and highly productive. I am very pleased with the students' ability to complete all tasks as assigned. As we move into Week 2, we will begin our regular lessons, culminating in a weekly quiz every Friday. In Week 3, students will have their first unit test.

Our focus for this unit is the story "What About Me?" – a fable that teaches an important moral lesson. Through this story, students will practice sequencing events and understanding the moral of the story. In our Reading and Writing Notebook (RWN), we will focus on plural nouns. Students will learn to recognize and spell both singular and plural forms, while understanding the spelling changes that may occur, such as adding "es" to words or changing "y" to "ies." We will also explore words with irregular plural forms, such as "child" becoming "children."

Additionally, students will begin learning how to structure and write their own fable stories, a key component of this unit.

Please continue to monitor the lessons and homework handouts your child brings home. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me. I look forward to working closely with you to ensure your child builds a strong foundation and gains confidence in their learning.

Together, we will help our A2 students thrive!


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