A2 Review for tomorrow's unit test

 A2 Review for Unit Test: What About Me?

review activity

Review HW

Dear Parents,

Please help your child review the following areas in preparation for their unit test. Each student has been assigned a review/practice homework handout to assist them as they prepare for tomorrow's unit test. 

1. Vocabulary

  • Practice identifying vocabulary words from pictures: birdcage, brushes, carpet, dishes, pens.
  • Review the following words by writing sentences or discussing them with your child:
    • playground, beaches, hurried, provide, precious.

Encourage your child to explain the meanings and provide examples of how they might use each word in a sentence.

2. Sentence Completion

  • Work with your child to fill in sentences using the correct word. For example:
    • "Ciel and Yuna built a sandcastle when they visited the _________ in Thailand."
    • "Water is a _______ natural resource that we should not waste."

3. Multiple-Choice Vocabulary Practice

  • Help your child choose the best word in sentences like:
    • "The baby (mumbled / weaved / provided) a few words no one could understand."
    • "The princess asked the (goatkeeper / matchmaker / foxes) to help her find a brave prince."

4. Plurals (-s, -es, -ies)

  • Review the plural forms of words such as:
    • peach (peaches), penny (pennies), body (bodies), wish (wishes).
    • Write these out and practice with your child.

5. Story Comprehension

  • Discuss the story What About Me? by asking:
    • "What does the boy need in the story?" (Knowledge)
    • "Who needed a carpet?" (The boy)

Review the main events and characters to make sure your child understands the story well.

6. Grammar: Subject and Predicate

  • Help your child practice identifying the complete subject (underline) and complete predicate (circle) in sentences such as:
    • "Blackie, our dog, loves to chase after sticks."
    • "Ms. Jeannie took her dog Zumi to the vet."

7. Story Sequencing

  • Discuss the sequencing of events using a familiar story like The Tortoise and the Hare to practice "First, Next, Last" order.


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